Thursday, March 13, 2008

You would think a technology person would think to have their laptop charged enough to use during an opening keynote. Well apparently not. I began typing what you see below during the opening keynote at NCAECT this morning. I was also chatting and watching the keynote through Ustream which is really nice.

I'm sitting here at the keynote session at NCAECT trying to gather my thoughts for this afternoon. The theme this year is "Shift Happens: Gear up with Technology."

Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach "" is the keynote speaker and is currently speaking on "Schooling for the 21st Century: Unleashing Student Passion." I'll be taking a few notes to hopefully intertwine into my presentation.

-iPods in vending machines at the Dallas airport (Wow, that's pretty wild).
-Church online using Ustream
Kids can present projects, school board meetings.....

And then, the power went out on my laptop.

Other than that, the conference seems to be going pretty good so far. I attended several sessions today and plan on attending several tomorrow if I can get there in time (due to traffic). I am really interested in the Mac OS X Server 10.5 "Leopard" session. We just purchased an XServe for the county and I will be the primary stakeholder. I am very excited about this opportunity.


Goodson said...

Great presentation today. Thanks! One of my elementary schools wants to start a news broadcast on a tight budget. You gave me some great ideas - Chris Goodson

Unknown said...

Follow one educators days of using Ustream and study his lessons learned, big help if you plan on using Ustream,
ALso check out my comments at the bottom of the blog;
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