Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I came across this video of Sir Ken Robinson speaking at TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) on "Do schools kill creativity." He brings up some very interesting points starting from the beginning with making the statement around 3:15 in the speech when he makes the statement "Creativity is now as important as literacy and we should treat it with the same status." I'm curious how on the thoughts and reactions that would spawn in our schools today.

He goes even further in the talk to describe intelligence. According to Sir Ken, three things are known about intelligence.
1. It's diverse. We think about the world in all the ways we experience it. We think visually, we think in sound, we think kinesthetically, we think in abstract terms, we think in movement.
2. It's dynamic.
3. It's distinct.

Even though all three of these are important, I would like to focus on #1 with intelligence being diverse. Do we in education try to educate (not teach) our students in diverse ways? Do we believe that all students learn alike?

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